A Consistent Exercise Program Will Help You Totally Avoid Bruising Easily?

Posted by Unknown on Monday, May 6, 2013

By Jan Doan

Injuring yourself through the course of a day or week is not rare - we've all walked into a coffee table or given ourselves a paper cut. Bruises, also known as contusions, occur when the blood vessels have ruptured usually due to blunt force, and for some folks, it doesn't take much. These purplish marks are embarrassing, dependent on their location, and can be quite painful through the healing process, but most of you don't seem to worry too much when you get a bruise.

When you're young it's almost like you're indestructible, because your growing bodies can take anything you throw at them. As you age, however, the machine that is your body is aging as well. Skin becomes thinner, blood vessels begin to weaken, and the slightest injury can result in a massive, purple contusion. It isn't just the passage of time that makes you susceptible to bruising, it can be the medications you take (many blood thinners result in increased bruising) or the diets you follow.

If you're someone that bruises often, to the point of not being normal it's important to look at your life. Are you getting enough iron? Do you get enough vitamin C and vitamin K? Is there anything medically wrong with you? Take your predilection for bruising as a warning sign that something is off with your system, and go see your doctor to be evaluated.

Once you've eliminated all of the medical reasons that may cause you to be bruising more often and you've found out that you're absolutely normal, it's time to start thinking about exercise. Exercise and activity isn't just for weight loss, it's a lifestyle component that many of you lack in your 9-5 cubicle dwelling lives. Starting out, a low impact exercise regimen can begin to get your body used to moving without stressing your joints. The results will be improved hand-eye coordination, which can translate to your reducing your tendency to walk into things, as well as jump-starting your metabolism.

Does this sound easy? It is! Find any way for your body to be more active that doesn't exert you too much, and you can begin to train your body to be more coordinated and less likely to walk into things, and also your metabolism will be working at a higher pace than it did beforehand.

After you've gotten serious in your desire to overcome bruising easily, you'll probably be a little bit skeptical of the wisdom of taking up a new sport or beginning a new exercise regimen. You are probably thinking that starting a new sports activity program will just mean that you are going to be more likely to getting a bruise than before the new program. While adding an exercise program irresponsibly could increase your easy bruising tendency, you should give consideration to a couple of other factors.

The benefits of exercise are triple fold, and your body will thank you by becoming more flexible, stronger, able to work for longer periods of time, and being strong enough for you that you won't have to walk around embarrassed because you're covered in unsightly, purple bruises.

Changing your lifestyle to include a good exercise program will help totally avoid bruising easily by strengthening your muscles, your heart and circulatory system (especially your capillaries). In addition to your exercise program, you would be well advised to add the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program that has helped people all over the world overcome their tendency to bruise easily.

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